Robert C Logel Assisted Erie Co. Seniors to Recover Funds Lost in Investment Scam
Announced recently, Attorney General Spitzer has finally managed to recover more than $1.1 million for a group of senior citizens in Erie County that was lost as a result of an investment scam.
As per the reports, several financial institutions located in Erie and nearby joined their hands together to help make this recovery lost in the scam carried out by Randall Cedrik and an Angola-based financial planner.

As a result of the agreement made between agencies including Brian O’Mara Agency, John Hancock Insurance, and venture capitalist Robert Logel, they are supposed to compensate the victims of the scam since Cedrik was associated with them all. In addition to this, the key bank also had to forgive home equity loans secured by two of the victims at Cedrik’s urging in order to compensate for the funding of the fraudulent investments.
Robert C Logel is one of the well-known names in the insurance industry. He has been renowned as a great player in this industry for his experience and sheer talent. He began his career in 1989 and worked in this industry for 20 years after he completed his graduation in 1985 at Ithaca College. He holds a BS Degree in Finance. Being a member of the Million Dollar Roundtable was not their only achievement of his. He was also a top product with Metropolitan life and John Hancock Mutual Life. He also worked as a branch manager and commercial lender with the bank until 1988. After his retirement, he also worked as a distributor for John Hancock products.

Besides his professional career, he is also a member of Transit Valley country club and Brookfield Country Club where he engaged himself in several tournaments for many years. He is a huge dog lover and is a certified dog trainer as well.
A man with many talents is the right sentence to address Robert C Logel.
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